Myocarditis - a sister/physician’s cautionary tale.
Finally publishing my brother’s journey and its inherent life lessons.
Myocarditis is a medical diagnosis I have never heard so often before 2021 in my entire medical training and career, spanning >14 years. The general public may have never heard that term previously as it used to be exceedingly rare.
What is myocarditis? Penn Medicine defined it as : “an inflammation of the heart tissue, specifically the myocardium [muscle], the middle layer of the heart wall. Myocarditis affects your heart's electrical system and muscle cells, leading to irregular heart rhythms and problems with your heart's pumping function.”
Myocarditis - Symptoms and Causes
Once an event has injured the myocardium scar tissue develops that interrupts the normal electrical conductivity; and, long term consequences can and do result for many people, including arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and an increased risk of sudden death. This is not an exhaustive list fyi.
Reading and understanding this fairly simplified explanation makes me wonder how so many cardiologists and physicians can reduce the implications and complications of this to “mild and rare” when any insult to the heart is serious. And, it is happening at rates we have never seen before these novel injections and we most certainly do not understand well enough to make such dismissive claims.
I’d like to share a case study and journey with you of my brother, Scott. He provided me with explicit permission to write about his story openly and honestly. I write this from the perspective of his sister, and a daughter, an aunt, a mother, and a concerned critical physician with a lot of experience treating heart failure and it’s complications and prognosis in a gestalt fashion.
Scott is a 44 Male who was previously very active and fully independently functional in life. In fact, he was (until recently reunited ❤️) a single dad of my niece and nephew, ages 5 and 7 respectively. He works for the government and had a consulting business also.
In may of 2021, at 43 years old, he went and got his first Covid vaccine, knowing he was going to have to in order to keep his job as a federal employee. He was not informed about the risks of these investigational injections because the risks were just beginning to emerge in real time. About one month after his shot, he was home alone and passed out while cleaning up after dinner, falling back into his stove, breaking the glass door, and collapsing onto the floor without waking up. He experienced absolutely no prodrome or symptoms; he just passed out. This was an unwitnessed syncopal episode in an otherwise healthy young male. He called me when he woke up to tell me about it and I vehemently urged him to call an ambulance and go to the ER. It is NOT normal for young healthy people to lose consciousness so something was wrong. I feel I should repeat that: it is NOT normal for young healthy people to suddenly collapse and or die. We discussed the potential for his heart to be the culprit and needed to be rigorously evaluated. He went, was assessed by an emergency physician who ran a few basic tests and discharged him home with no answers or reassurance; and, only with an outpatient holter, echocardiogram and referral to cardiologist. Fine, he was stable at that time. But, when I asked if the doctor looked for myocarditis or pericarditis from the investigational injection as this adverse event was becoming clear then. He told me, slightly unconvincingly, “no, the doctor said it’s highly unlikely.” This is the typical statement for the dismissal of patient concerns. I’ve heard it many times from patients who have had serious events post vaccine and it’s always the same - “highly unlikely”. Except that it’s not, actually!
Few doctors were seriously considering the cardiac toxicity from the spike protein in these injections, nor the bio distribution, which is now a well known, documented, demonstrable adverse effect of these novel injections. Iatrogenically induced myocarditis, particularly in young males, at rates we are yet to see stabilize; what could go wrong?
As my brother goes on living his life, he has his outpatient tests done and cardiologist follow up. He was not provided any results from either the cardiologist or his family doctor, and believed these were all normal as a result. So, he received his 2nd dose on July 27th 2021 and felt fairly unwell with fever and flu like symptoms for a few days then recovered and continued about his normal activities. Scott took his kids to watch his baseball game on September 10th 2021. Following his game, the next teams didn’t have enough players to start so he agreed to stay to help score keep until enough showed up. That’s the kind of guy he is. He got his children into the car to wait where they were tiredly watching their tablets, as it was getting late, when he suddenly felt unwell, lost consciousness and passed out onto the ground. He was grey/blue in colour according to those present. My heart breaks envisioning my brother lying there, on the dirt, lifeless in front of his children. Fortunately, this time he was not alone and a nurse friend on his team was still hanging around with some other players. She started cpr, they called 911 and someone ran to obtain a defibrillator from a somewhat nearby rec building. I say somewhat with emphasis because it was at least a few minute run there and back, and with any heart issue, seconds matter in reducing heart muscle damage. His children became panicked and terrified as they did not understand what was happening while witnessing their beloved dad lying unresponsive with people pounding on his chest trying to revive him. As paramedics arrived, the defibrillator picked up a shockable rhythm and a shock was delivered, then another, and another. He came to and was taken to the emergency department for treatment of post ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest, with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) post successful cpr/defibrillation. Scott would want me to be sure I told my readers that he “could still recite his health card number” to the paramedics. Like, who knows their health card number by heart.
One of the most haunting thoughts I have still to this day is that my brother would have been driving my niece and nephew home exactly when this happened, had he not stayed to help the next team. For that, I am eternally grateful. But, I often wonder if any health care workers and “authorities” stop to consider such real life consequences of supporting a rushed, forced and insufficiently evidenced medical intervention. The number of young athletes and Canadian physicians who have “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” died in 2021-present is abnormal and highly alarming; and, the possibility of the injections causing the loss of our young healthy working aged population requires rigorous and dedicated independent investigation and inquiry. We don’t need another preposterous contentious label ie. SADS without serious independent evaluation of this new product forced upon all human beings on earth. Turning a blind eye to the difficult and uncomfortable truth, that these experimental injections are not what they claimed to be and are harming people is absolutely is simply not acceptable.
Link to letter to cma from physician requesting investigation into young physician deaths…
Scott was taken to the Ottawa heart institute for treatment and investigation. He was in florid cardiogenic shock with a severely elevated lactate and hypotension on vasopressors in icu. His heart function (LVEF) was only 10% on echocardiogram. He went through a battery of tests beginning with urgent angiogram, which was clear. His cardiac mri showed fulminant myocarditis and global hypokinesis. For my readers, this means his heart was so full of swelling and inflammation that it went into a deadly arrhythmia and his heart suffered serious damage to its capacity to pump or function. Scott had called me at 11:11pm the night of this event but I was asleep and missed his call. My mom woke me up when she called shortly after and when I heard her voice my stomach sank. I knew something terribly bad had happened to my brother. “Crystal, it’s Scott. He passed out and he needed cpr and now he’s on his way to the hospital”. My mind, racing with questions and thoughts, focused on my mom and helping her by planning our trip for the morning. On our drive, we weren’t sure if any restaurants would allow us entry due to the vaccine mandates, so we stuck to the gas stations and brought snacks. Upon arriving at the hospital, we were denied seeing my brother as a family. Only 2 of us could go in and just for 1 hour. The arbitrariness of these restrictions should not be lost here. This was the most critical time in my brother’s life and we couldn’t be with him to love, support and advocate for him. We met the rounding physician and my dad immediately asked if this could have been caused by the vaccine. And, once again the “oh it’s highly unlikely” statement reverberated blindly. At this point, I provided collateral information and recently emerging data relating to Covid-19 injections and myocarditis. The physician acknowledged it was on his “differential diagnosis” aka radar, but they have more tests to rule out rare genetic diseases, such as sarcoidosis. My brother ended up recovering fairly well, but required a defibrillator to be inserted into his heart. His life was forever changed by this experimental injection, for which he was pressured to take to feed his family, and he was not properly informed of the risks to begin with. In science and in medicine, we do not participate in human experimentation, nor do we coerce or bully people into accepting medical interventions. When Scott was ready for discharge home after 2 weeks in hospital, I arrived to pick him up and the young teenage volunteer who greeted me made a startling comment. Since the government and public health had made new recommendations they mandated a full ban on unvaccinated visitors starting the next day. She said “good thing your brother is going home today because you wouldn’t be able to visit him tomorrow”. To her, I was a dirty unvaccinated who definitely should be banned from being around human beings, since I was the cause of getting the vaccinated sick. Huh? Wait, what? The twisted nature of what she, and the entire establishment, thought was reality sat there on full display in my conscious awareness. First and foremost, this type of treatment toward others is maligned, especially in health care. Fearing a microscopic germ so much that it enables you to justify abuse of another human being is very costly. Secondly, these marketed elixirs never had any studies done evaluating transmission and therefore NO assumptions can be made about its ability to “stop the spread”. Yet, my knowledge, experience, and understanding now means nothing and this teen can just go on telling me how much of a public danger I am, for making my own informed medical choice, without any consequences. And this is somehow acceptable en masse and considered helpful, even necessary.
Fast forward to today, just over 1 year later, and Scott’s injury has been acknowledged by not only the medical doctor but officially by the newly minted “vaccine injury support program” also. Here’s a preview of his validation: “Following an assessment of your case, it has been determined by our Medical Review Board that there is a probable causal association between the injury(ies) sustained and the vaccination. As such your claim has been approved for compensation.”.
All of this comes after he was publicly attacked, smeared, belittled, and a victim to nasty vitriolic comments on social media when he posted his own experience and injury. Pause for a moment and consider the state of “civilized” society in its current form and action right here right now.
As a sister who is also a physician, my concerns for the moral and ethical degradation of medicine grew exponentially. Having my medical licence suspended in march 2022 after 18 months of abuse for raising questions and concerns to my patients, my colleagues, my hospital administrators, and my college , my concerns catapulted to new heights. As my brother fought for his life I was being coerced into taking this medical intervention to keep my position as a palliative care doctor at my local hospital. One can hopefully see the true nature of this narrative now for what it is and not what they want it to be. Many factors led us to this moment, but dishonesty and poor leadership are two of the biggest driving forces. Cpso has engaged in a full throttle assault on any and all physicians in ontario who speak publicly raising any concerns or who practice with independent clinical judgement without fearing their wrath. Effectively, patients were (and continue to be) denied their basic fundamental rights of informed consent and bodily autonomy because doctors no longer freely and openly provided their own honest professional opinion nor the most current evidence for this new experimental treatment. Behavioural changes emerged and division seared. Discrimination, name calling, labelling and judgement displaced compassionate, tolerant, individualized patient centred care. My entire family has been tormented and devastated by the medical system and cpso for raising the alarm bells. One hopefully sees this is far beyond natural consequences of our decisions and reveals the actual punishment we have lived and endured for not complying.
It is time to put an end to the malice and malfeasance that plagues our entire medical system. We do this by no longer accepting the lies and computer generated hypotheticals of the officialdom. We do this by no longer accepting mediocrity and self interested leadership (ie, bureaucrats) and bravely call attention to their errors and misdeeds. We respectfully but sternly no longer accept differing treatment from others for our personal medical choices. We choose to embody our own moral compass and discernment to make the right decisions in the face of extreme threats and peril. For if we do not, one’s silence is taken as consent and the inevitably escalating harms are prolonged. It is time to broadly and authentically acknowledge the many lives harmed by these policies, actions and products. Scott does not want any personal recognition, nor do I. This is not about us nor who is right or wrong in their views. There is no winning as we are not in competition. A civilized progressive society cannot move forward using medieval and barbaric tactics in attempt to gain a perception of safety. We must each first acknowledge there is a problem and see it for what it is in order to find ways to ensure this ends and then never happens again to anyone else.
I am working with some incredible physicians to bring serious public awareness to the college (cpso) for their role in this fraud. Without the threats of investigation and licence suspension, a great many doctors would have provided more balanced honest advice to patients and supported their choices. Instead, we have a rapidly increasingly distrustful public who wants nothing to do with hospitals or medical doctors because of how they have been dismissed, negated and dehumanized for their medical choices. It must end. Cpso must go.
Speechless. Weary. Disbelief. Frustrated. Grateful for brave voices. Committed to adding my voice. So glad your brother made it through alive. All the best to you and your family.
Dr. Luchkiw, sorry for what happened to your brother. A very sad story, reflective of the current challenging times. As for CPSO, I know of several cases (so there are probably a lot more) when they were supplied real life stories and statistical data related to covid, highlighting the issues with the current establishment policies. Hence my personal opinion is that they know very well what is going on. Their position still hasn't changed not one iota.