You can find the most recent far fetched episode of “the science” (TM) in The American Journal of Medicine by a couple of Canadian Covid narrators from Sunnybrook hospital.
Here is an article touting these results, of course without any criticism or actual peer review. Pay close attention to the language in this article, it is rather interesting and revealing.,The%20American%20Journal%20of%20Medicine
As many others are sharing their evidence based critical analysis of the methods, such as Dr. Clare Craig and Igor Chudov, it is absolutely worthwhile checking out their analyses to see what those in The Science (TM) are turning into. Hint: it’s not good quality, high standard evidence based ethically sound professionals!
I won’t belabour the points made by these incredible skeptics, but it is essential to point out that the fact that miles driven was not a factor in the authors’ published results is enough to indicate the purpose of such a printed piece.
I wanted to draw my readers attention to this silly paragraph:
Funding: This project was supported by a Canada Research Chair in Medical Decision Sciences, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Graduate Diploma in Health Research at the University of Toronto, and the National Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the Ontario Ministry of Health.
Hmm… is the ministry of health funding these various channels through which sci-fi articles are published to shape public perception? It seems the relationship here is at the very least a conflict of interest to publishing results that continue to support the MOH narrative. Food for thought.
so far unvaccinated people are
Mentally unwell for having “hesitancy” and should be medicated and counselled by, of course, vaccinated physicians.
Causing more car wrecks because of their hesitancy. The suggestion that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to drive motorized vehicles was planted in a round about way.
I wonder, what will the next episode of “the science” (TM) reveal about the unvaccinated and how they should be dealt with?
Uncivilized society is becoming a more realistic experience each and every day of this pandemonium.
Please read this study in full and related articles for completeness and to continue to strengthen your critical thinking. Share any thoughts you may have in the comments.
Please consider subscribing and if you can take out a paid subscription I would greatly appreciate it. I’m still labelled “ungovernable” and the babylonians will not allow me to practice medicine. Yet.
With profound gratitude, thank you to all my readers and supporters
I suppose I immediately jumped to the conclusion of what could “they” do with this “scientific study” to discriminate against me? Higher insurance rate? Imagine the possibilities with an integrated digital ID...🫣